I Wonder What Xander C’s 20% is?

I am working with Aidan for my 20% project. Our project is scanning and reprinting 3D Lego alligators to sell to raise money to donate to a hospital.

We feel very excited for our project since legos are our passion. It makes us happy that we’re going to do something major almost completely by ourselves. It is a little concerning since we didn’t actually send the e-mail to Ms. Smith until November 10th. We will try our best to complete goals before their deadlines from now on.

Our goal for November is to scan, reprint, and sell at least one LEGO alligator. To get there, we have a few steps to accomplish. First, we will have to set up a meeting time and date with Ms. Smith. Next, we need to set up my 3D printer. Once we do that, we can actually print the alligators. Lastly, we need to find a shopping website to sell our alligator (or alligators) on.

If you have any questions, see our visual aide for more information. Other than that, it’s the end of this blog, so I will see you later!

(P.S.: Have any other questions that weren’t answered? Leave a comment below!)


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